Grenzen koninkrijk Bhutan dicht, koning spreekt volk toe

Vorige week nog maar verwelkomden de koning en koningin een tweede zoontje. En vandaag laat de koning weten dat het land volledig op slot gaat. En dat alles gedaan zal worden om mensen die door het virus getroffen worden te helpen.

Jigme sprak het volk van Bhutan gisteren toe. De toespraak plaatste hij op Instagram.

Hij legde uit waarom de grenzen van het land tijdelijk gesloten worden. “De veiligheid en gezondheid van ons volk is prioriteit nummer 1, en daarom nemen we iedere maatregel om het Bhutaanse volk te beschermen”, zo meldt hij.

Verder is er de belofte om Bhutanezen die momenteel gestrand zijn in een ander land te helpen om terug te keren. En dus de toezegging dat het land alles zal doen om mensen die door Corona zijn getroffen, te steunen.

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English translation: Starting tomorrow, our land borders will be sealed. We are compelled to take this drastic measure in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you have been made aware through various government bulletins, the virus is spreading, causing immense disruption worldwide, and drawing closer to us each day. At such a time, the health and safety of the people of Bhutan is of the greatest priority, and as such, we are putting in place every measure necessary to safeguard the people of Bhutan. Should those of you who are abroad at this time wish to return home, the government will help you. I ask those of you who are studying or working abroad, not to worry. COVID-19 will cause great disruptions to the global economy, and Bhutan will not be an exception. The economic repercussions will not just impact a select few sectors, but each and every one of us. At such a time, we must exhibit the strength that comes out of our smallness, remain united and support one another. During such exceptional circumstances, the government will take the responsibility of alleviating any suffering to the people due to the virus. As you know, all schools have been closed as a preventive measure, and children are at home instead of in their classes. We do not know when the situation will improve and schools can be reopened again. Parents must guide their children, and children must take it upon themselves to use this opportunity to continue studying- at your age, education should be your most important concern. Do not waste time. On the part of the government, there are already plans to make learning materials as widely available to students as possible. Internet providers, television, and even newspapers, have been tasked to bring learning materials to you. Therefore, it is your responsibility to take advantage of the avenues that will be made available to you. According to experts, the elderly population is at the greatest risk from COVID-19. We must take care of our elderly, protect them, and ensure that their environment is safe and clean.

A post shared by His Majesty King Jigme Khesar (@kingjigmekhesar) on


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Bron: Instagram. Beeld: ANP/EPA, Instagram @kingjigmekhesar